2015 Herp Year in Review - Anurans

I walked out to my truck this morning and felt the chill of nine degrees.  With no thoughts of warm wet nights or sunny warm Saturdays, it is indeed time to reflect on 2015 and summarize my finds.  It was my best herp year ever as far species counts are concerned.  I found 25 different species of anurans in the surrounding Northeast, and added a few in Florida.  Instead of a big story, I'm just going to hop to it.

Eastern Cricket Frogs - I have seen these in PA where they are endangered, as well as NJ, DE, and MD.

American Toad - one of my favorite Springtime activities is watching toads chase each other around in full daylight.

Southern Toad - I roadcruised a bunch of these guys in South Florida during my August trip.

Fowler's Toads - I do see these guys in PA, but mainly NJ and South.  These two were seen in amplexus among fresh egg strands.

Cope's Treefrog - These can only be separated from grays through call.  This was from a pool in Delaware where the majority were Cope's calling and this guy certainly was.   As you can see, he is blowing up, getting ready to advertise for a female.

Carpenter Frog - I only see these in the Pine Barrens.  They are a neat Sourthern-affinity species that reaches the Northern extent of its range in Southern NJ.

Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog - This is a newly described species.  I have been fortunate enough to find some in PA and Northern NJ, however this particular individual was found among many on wet roads in Delaware.

Greenhouse Frog - I saw a few of these guys hopping around in different parts of Southern Florida.

Cane Toad - I cruised a few of these while hoping for Florida Kingsnakes along canals in South Florida.  Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted my natural shots.  This in-hand one will have to do.

Northern Greenfrog - I see these all year, however this individual was a December frog and one of the first subjects I shot with my new macro lens.  :)

Spring Peeper - All of February, I anticipate the screaming chorus of peepers.  By April, I can't fall asleep without hearing them in my head.

Barking Treefrog - If you knew what I had to go through to get this photo, you'd think I was nuts.  I probably am.  This is one of my favorite finds of the year!  Endangered in DE and MD.

Cuban Treefrog - It's a shame to be out in the middle of the Everglades, yet find these with ease.  These are an invasive that out-competes many of the natives and are here to stay.  Regardless, they are damn cute.

American Bullfrog - These guys can be massive.  Their size is impressive and they will eat whatever they can fit in their mouth.

Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad - I love these little guys.  They can be quite variable, and their calls are hysterical.  I saw these in Florida this year.

Pickerel Frog - These are one of the few frogs you can find in Winter by flipping rocks in springs and seeps.  Just don't take them out of the water into sub-freezing air temperatures.

Squirrel Treefrog - I saw a few of these hopping around in North Carolina.

Pig Frog - I had these while spending a few days in Disney World with my daughter.  They really do sound like pigs.

Southern Leopard Frog - I see these in the Pine Barrens more than any other frog.  I also run into them in DE and MD.  They can be variable in appearance.  This is a nice bright green one.

Green Treefrog - This particular individual is from NJ, where they have recently been accepted by the state.  Somehow they slipped under the radar by people who "care" about herps.  I'm sure the residents nearby knew about them for years.  I've seen these in DE, NC, and FL as well this year.

Wood Frog - These are one of the first herps to see in Spring.  They are explosive breeders and sound like a pond full of ducks for a few quick nights.

New Jersey Chorus Frog - I find these in Southern NJ, outside of the barrens as well as the Delmarva peninsula.  These are the size of peepers, but their call sounds like someone running their finger along a comb.  Neat little guys.

Gray Treefrog - tons of these in PA, NJ, DE, and MD.  I don't care how many I see, I will always enjoy them.  They probably have the coolest demeanor of any herp in the Northeast.

Eastern Spadefoot - Spadefoots are so goofy, what's not to love?  I find these EVERYWHERE except, my home county where they are endangered but local.  Go figure.  

Pine Barrens Treefrog - Arguably our best looking frog in the entire US.  Night shining for these is something I look forward to every year.


That wraps it up.  I also have vouchered Oak Toads calling, but failed to get a photograph.  ...My frog failure of the year.  That makes 26 species spread across a few different states.  Not bad.  I hope to get West or down into Central America this year and really see some diversity.  Thanks for reading.  Next up, I'll do lizards.  Staying on the East Coast this year, that should be a quick entry.

...step into the outdoors.

January Warblin'

There's a neat phenomenon that occurs in small areas around the Northeast.  My first encounter with it was when I had read that Cave Swallows are found by a water treatment plant in Philadelphia all winter long.  Cave Swallows?  ...and other more common swallows?  Shouldn't they be long gone in the Winter?

It turns out that the water stays warm enough to keep insects above the tanks active through the colder months.  In turn, this attracts and sometimes keeps straggling insect-eaters in the vicinity all year long.

Across the river from me in Trenton, there is a water treatment facility - just like the one I became privy to in Philly.  It's a fantastic set-up for birding.  There is one thin strip of trees, a road along them where a birder can walk and scan, another thin row of trees, and then water tanks.  It has become a favorite spot of mine, not only for the odd Winter-stragglers, but because the birds are so close and you get amazing looks!

I had an hour to kill yesterday and with the Philadelphia Eagles season in the dumpster, decided I'd spend some time seeing who was still hanging around.  It turned out to be incredible!  Both species of kinglets, and SEVEN warblers.  Yes, seven - on January 3rd.  What a treat!  *Warning - some pictures I'm about to share, outright suck, but I'm posting them anyway as confirmation on yesterday's warbler-fest.

First the kinglets.  These photos are from a few weeks ago and I was so happy with them and so enthralled with the warblers, that I didn't bother photographing them this time.

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

While I scanned for warblers, multiple gulls, a Bald Eagle, a Red-tailed Hawk, and a flock of Snow Geese flew overheard.

Snow Geese

Ok... here's the warblers!

Yellow-rumped Warbler - there's more than a dozen here.

Yellow-throated Warbler - while this is an amazing Winter bird, he has been here for over a month.  I hate saying I wasn't surprised to see him, but I wasn't.  That doesn't mean I wasn't delighted!

Pine Warbler - there are usually a few here, and for whatever reason, none came close enough for a decent photo.


Palm Warbler - I saw two different palms, but none came out for a decent photo.

Yellow Warbler - this was a huge surprise!  It skulked in and out of the chain link fence.

Orange-crowned Warbler - in my defense, he literally sat there for 1.5 seconds and I just missed the focus and hit the twig in front of him.  *I will try again.  I waited two hours, and he didn't come back out.  I played a chip note to get him out in the first place and didn't want to overdo it.

Nashville Warbler - my thrill of the day as this is these are the best photos I have gotten of a Nashville.  They are always so high.

Nashville Warbler

Nashville Warbler

As you can see, this place is special.  I also saw a Brown Creeper (which seems to show up every time) and some other common birds.  In the past I have had late swallows, woodpeckers including Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and even a flock of pipits.  I'll be back - at least for another shot at a decent photo of the Orange-crowned Warbler, but also to see if anything else special shows up.

...step into the outdoors.