After saying I would start my own blog for years, I've taken the plunge. I've went ahead and built a full website to devote to my excursions in nature. This is just the beginning. I will be adding historic photos constantly, while updating with present-day photos as they happen.
I plan on blogging... a lot. Some will be field recaps. Some will be essays and thoughts. Others might even be me bitching about my never-ending addiction to nature.
So please, check out the beginning stages of my site. Sign up under the "about" tab, and I will email you when new blogs, photos, etc. are posted.
I know people have become accustomed to the fast food nature of social media. This site may be a step backwards, but its geared towards those who want more than just pictures. This will tell the stories.
I look forward to making as awesome as I possibly can!
...step into the outdoors, and hypnotize yourself with the natural world.